
We are delighted to announce the Aurastem Annual meeting that will be held on January 16th, 2025 at ENS de Lyon - Descartes Campus D2 Amphitheater - 15, parvis René Descartes - Metro Debourg from 10 am.


This meeting is organized by the Aurastem association and aims at gathering stem cell researchers from the « Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes » (https://aurastem.eu/).


We have invited two keynote speakers:

Nikolaos KONSTANTINIDIS (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) will talk about the "Evolution and development of neuroblast patterning"

Céline COLNOT (Institut Mondor de la recherche biomédicale, Creteil) will talk about "Skeletal stem progenitor cells in bone regeneration".


We will also have plenty of slots for oral presentations, allowing research teams to showcase their projects and latest results. Please submit abstracts for either Short Talks (10 minutes including questions) or Selected Talks (20 minutes including questions).

Abstract submission deadline: 8th January 2025
To submit: Click “Mes dépôts,” then “Déposer un résumé” and select format (short or selected talk). NB : There will be no poster session.

You will be contacted if your abstract is selected.

If you encounter any issues with registering, please feel free to contact us at aurastem1@gmail.com.

See you all in Lyon!



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